
Oh, hi there! I'm Marvin DeWhite, but you can call me Marvin. Why not take some time to look around my website, or visit other exciting websites like the Odyssey Scoop, or even the Official Whit's End Website? There's always something exciting to do here! So, see you around.

Where are you?

Monday, January 4, 2010

Be prepared!

Hey everybody! Marvin here! On The Town of Odyssey, I plan to run in the elections coming up. So vote for me if you want to.

In my own ordinary life with my not-so-ordinary dog who has a mind of her own, we've been taking down all of our Christmas decorations (hard work)! I could live without it. But for now, your word of the day is: colloquialism-characteristics of informal speech.
Marvin D.

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